
Learning from the Future: Moving from What Is to What If?


In the second domain of effective leadership, according to Harvard Business School, one must forget the past and let go of practices that fuel the current system. Yet in education, we often look to the past for answers on how to navigate the future. 

In the April issue of the New York State Council of School Superintendents (NYSCOSS) Councilgram newsletter, World Savvy team members (KK Neimann, National Director of District & Strategic Initiatives, and Melanie Peterson-Nafziger, Professional Learning Facilitator) co-authored an article that encourages education leaders to think creatively and expansively about shaping the future of teaching and learning.

“While these ideas might feel impossible, we can derive value from what came before: 30 years ago, eliminating textbooks or teaching without a physical campus seemed preposterous. What is the next impossible dream?”

Read the article on page 12.

NYSCOSS is the primary membership organization in New York for school superintendents.

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World Savvy is an organization that partners with schools and districts to reimagine education and create more inclusive, student-centered, and future-ready learning communities. We are continuing to expand our work across the country. Connect us with a school or learn more about our school partnership opportunities.

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